إنتهت صلاحية هذا الإعلان الوظيفي لقد إنتهت صلاحية هذا الإعلان الوظيفي و هو غير مفتوح حاليا لأي طلبات عمل.
وصف الوظيفة
Job Summary
Responsible in verifying and correcting the daily census. Prepares daily in-patient and
out-patient company reports. Prepares & presents daily health care statistics.
Maior Duties and Resnonsibilitics
. llnsurcs through his/her actions, either directly of indirectly, that a superior
quality of medical treatment. compassion and understanding is given to every
patient served at the Hospital.
. Verifics thc inpaticnt census report and adjusts accordingly on a daily basis and
complics a daily and monthly rcport.
o Collection of statistical data from all the clinical departments to compute th€
. [)ata cntry in thc MIS program for Ministry of Health and save in the separate
disk for the prescntation to Ministry of llealth through manager Health
Information Management.
. Utilizcs the PC for maintaining and compiling of regular statistical reports and
graphic presentation, cntcrs thc appropriate abstracting data.
. Participates in on-going cducation program developed by the department, e.g.
departmcnt policies and procedures, Fire and Safety, Risk Managemcnt,
Environmental Control.
e Participates in Monthly meeting to ensure that all thc staff completing their job
description according to the policy and procedure of the department and
discussing currcnt issucs to kecp the quality to the patient care services.
. Complies with hospital drcss codc.
. Pcrforms other applicablc tasks and duties assigned within the realm of the
cmployce's knowledgc, skills and abilities.
. Diploma in Managcmcnt / Busincss Administration / Statistics or Minimum
educational level ofan associate dcgree in Mcdical Records or rclated ficld.
o Required
At least three (3) years coding experience using
. Fluency in verbal and written English.
. Compctcnt knowledge and understanding of current coding guidelines and
o Ability to opcrate computcrized patient information systcm and the personal
. Exhibits professionalism and excellent interpersonal communication skills.